August Meeting
August 25, 2019
The SCHS 2019 August Meeting will be a very special event for our members as we will have exclusive access to one of the top So Cal plumeria grower's private plant inventory. Diem Nguyen is an expert plumeria grower and has hundreds of rooted varieties for sale at his home. And these are not just small little cuttings, many are large and blooming ready to make your landscaping pop with gorgeous color. Plumeria are probably the best companion plants you can have growing simultaneously with hibiscus. In Southern California plumeria give dappled shade during the hot summer months for that perfect balance and in winter lose their leaves allowing for maximum sunlight and warmth when our hibiscus need it the most. Plumeria also do fine being fed the same fertilizers as we give to our hibiscus.
This will be a potluck lunch so please plan on bringing something yummy to eat! And just when you thought you are already in plant heaven we will be holding another amazing exotic hibiscus raffle and auction. So mark your calendar now so you don't miss this rare opportunity that does not come around often.
This is a Sunday event so please be aware of the departure from our usual Saturday meetings. We will be sending out more information closer to the event date as to how the sales will be conducted. Again don't miss this fantastic opportunity!
See you there!
The SCHS Crew