Educational Articles
Yellow Leaves Can Be A Good Thing Too
For those of us that grow exotic hibiscus this site is a familiar one that we dread seeing. Our beautiful green plants full of yellow leaves. Not what you want to see when…
Our First Video in a Series of Hibiscus How-To Instructional Videos
Did you know that if you do not root prune your potted hibiscus they will eventually die? Yes – they become so root bound that they will be unable to pull up enough…
The Perfect Hibiscus Killing Machine
There it is! The perfect hibiscus killing machine. If you grow exotic hibiscus in pots you have probably run into the most dreaded of diseases they can get: root rot. It really isn’t…
Even the smallest things make a big difference
We are fortunate here in Southern California to live in a mild climate with infrequent violent weather. With that being said the one severe weather event we do seem to get the most…